The Bollywood film, Drishyam 2, featuring Ajay Devgn and Tabu, stands out as a rare success in the industry this year. With a remarkably successful second weekend, the movie garnered Rs 17.32 crore on Sunday alone, pushing its total second weekend collection beyond Rs 39 crore. This performance potentially sets a post-pandemic record for a strong second weekend in Hindi releases, excluding The Kashmir Files. It is anticipated that the final figures will surpass those of Brahmastra.
Drishyam 2’s overall collection now stands at Rs 143.90 crore, and given its current momentum, it appears poised to surpass the Rs 200 crore mark. The Gujarat region experienced a significant surge in audience numbers on Sunday. In contrast, it easily outpaced Varun Dhawan’s Bhediya, which, although gradually gaining momentum, still falls short of compensating for its lackluster opening. Bhediya earned Rs 10.75-11 crore, bringing its total collection to Rs 27 crore.
The original Drishyam, released in 2015 and starring Ajay Devgn and Tabu, was a resounding success, crossing the Rs 91 crore mark. Following the unfortunate passing of filmmaker Nishikant Kamat, Abhishek Pathak took over the reins to direct the sequel. Drishyam 2 sees Ajay Devgn reprising his role as Vijay Salgoankar, with Tabu returning as Meera Deshmukh. The thriller revolves around the challenges faced by Vijay and his family, who become suspects following the death of the son of the Inspector General of Police. Adapted from the acclaimed Malayalam film of the same name featuring Mohanlal, Drishyam 2 also stars Akshaye Khanna, Ishita Dutta, Mrunal Jadhav, and Rajat Kapoor.